Gilded Piccolo Embellishment
Supplies needed:
- Piccolo embellishment
- Cut N Dry Foam piece or Sponge
- Super Sticky Stamping Glue or Duo Glue
- Gilding Flakes
- Rub It Scrub It Pad piece
- Glastique Finishing Glaze
- Non-Stick Crafting Surface
Use Cut N Dry Foam or Sponge to apply Glue onto Piccolo embellishment. The glue looks white when wet, but dries crystal clear.
Super Sticky Stamping Glue and Duo Glue are both thin wet glues that get stickier as they dry! REMEMBER to wash the sponge or foam off right away unless you just plan on tossing it.
Once the glued Piccolo is COMPLETELY DRY (no signs of white), apply Gilding Flakes to the surface. {I like to do this step over a tray or plastic tote.}
Press the flakes down firmly. Rub off any excess flakes with your fingers and return to jar.
Use a piece of Rub It Scrub It pad to burnish the leafing onto the Piccolo embellishment. Use a circular motion or swipe in just one direction with light pressure.
Don't forget to burnish the leafing off the sides for a professional looking finish!
Finish the piece with Glastique Finishing Glaze - simply apply it with your fingers (it will be blueish when wet but dries completely clear). This will protect the colors on the piece and allows it to remain flexible.